Signs Someone Needs Alcohol Detox
Digging in to understand the signs someone needs alcohol detox reveals the alarming statistics that in 2014, about 16.3 million adults in the United States experienced an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Secondly, more disturbing is that less than 9% of those millions received treatment. In addition, teenage alcohol abuse rates have been gradually climbing since 2012, when roughly 855,000 adolescents were misusing alcohol.
Finally, 100,000 individuals die yearly from alcohol-related causes. Alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of death in the United States. The deadliest aspect of alcohol abuse is withdrawal. However, understanding the signs someone needs alcohol detox could save a life.
In addition, the warning signs that someone is about to have serious medical complications from alcohol can be well known through education. However, those trying to cover up their problem with alcohol make it extremely challenging to recognize the signs.
The Dangers Of An Alcohol Use Disorder
An alcohol use disorder is potentially life-threatening. Most importantly, abuse of alcohol can lead to physical and mental complications, harmful personal and professional lifestyle consequences, and devastating relationships. In addition, people who refuse to recognize the signs someone needs alcohol detox can risk their well-being at the highest level.
Finally, the most significant reason for rationalizing a drinking problem is denial. Refusing to acknowledge an alcohol use disorder also puts others at significant risk. First, alcohol depresses the central nervous system affecting brain functioning, reasoning, and judgment.
In addition, driving while drinking is just one of the signs someone needs alcohol detox. However, not being aware of the dangers present with destructive behaviors puts family, friends, and even strangers in grave danger. Finally, passing out when responsible for other lives can cause serious problems.
Adolescent Alcohol Abuse
Adults who model harmful alcohol use can influence young people in their family and friend circle. Unfortunately, statistics have proven that over the past few decades, the percentage of teens using alcohol has drastically risen.
Moreover, because adolescent brains are still developing, the consequences of an alcohol use disorder could be devastating. Consequently, teens turning to alcohol to forget their problems are under the influence of the habits of their parents.
Teens can use alcohol for several reasons. However, the following are common factors in teenage alcohol abuse:
- Peer pressure, wanting to fit in
- Teens want to have fun and are daring with experimenting
- Escaping reality or stressful situations
- School challenges
- A sense of relaxation and happiness
When to Medically Detox from Alcohol
Signs someone needs alcohol detox can begin with the fact that drinking alcohol is causing an adverse effect on life. Next, impacting typical lifestyle factors indicates that alcohol is a problem. At this point, an individual is diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder.
Next, it is essential to start strategizing how to help someone in this situation. Without intervention and a clear path to treatment for alcoholism, alcohol could destroy the body and mind.
Common signs of alcohol abuse could include the following:
- Temporary blackouts or short-term memory loss
- Irritability or extreme mood disruptions
- Excuses for drinking, I need to relax, my life is so stressful, and I’m just not happy
- Ignoring the responsibility to drink alcohol
- Isolating behavior and distancing from family and friends
- Drinking alone
- Making drinking alcohol a secret habit
- Feeling hungover even when not drinking alcohol
- Change of appearance
Recognizing Alcoholism
The CAGE screening tool determines if an alcohol use disorder is present. That is to say, others may have pointed out signs someone needs alcohol detox, and the question comes to mind more often than ever. As a result, if someone answers yes to 2 or more of the CAGE questions, it is advisable to seek professional help. The primary care provider will evaluate and check their physical and mental health.
The CAGE screening questions are simple:
- Have you ever felt like you need to cut down on drinking alcohol?
- Have you been irritated or annoyed if someone criticizes your drinking?
- Does drinking alcohol cause you to feel bad or guilty?
- Have you ever begun drinking first thing in the morning to get over a hangover or steady your nerves?
Other screening questions from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) based on the past year of drinking alcohol to diagnose alcohol abuse properly include:
- Do you continue to drink alcohol even though it is making you feel depressed, anxious, or causing health problems?
- Do situations occur when you end up consuming much more than you intended?
- Have you lost interest in activities once important to you?
- Do you experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms if you stop drinking?
- Do you experience an urge or craving to drink alcohol?
- Have you found yourself in a situation while drinking that increases the chances someone could get hurt?
- Have you ever been in trouble with the law due to an alcohol-related problem?
What Is a Medical Detox from Alcohol?
The signs someone needs alcohol detox can appear due to alcohol withdrawal and cause extreme discomfort. However, a medically-monitored detox is the safest way to withdraw from an alcohol use disorder. Consequently, a medical doctor monitors vital signs, uncomfortable symptoms, and the person’s overall health in a professional treatment center. Finally, the goal is to perform detoxification from alcohol safely.
In some cases, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is advisable on a short-term basis. The severity of symptoms varies for each individual. Symptoms could begin within 2 hours from the last drink but average 6 to 12 hours since the previous use. Symptoms can continue from a week to several weeks.
The following alcohol withdrawal symptoms can occur during detox:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Restlessness and shakiness
- Clammy skin and sweating
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Irritability and agitation
- Depression and anxiety
- Mood swings
- Racing heartbeat
- Fatigue
Heavier drinkers could experience the following severe symptoms:
- Body tremors or seizures
- High blood pressure
- Fever
- Hallucinations
- Confusion and disorientation
- Mood swings
After detox, therapy must begin immediately. Inpatient programs are very successful in recovering from an alcohol use disorder. If someone is noticing the signs someone needs alcohol detox, speak out. Treatment can be successful, and it is possible to live a sober lifestyle.
Help A Loved One Get Alcohol Detox in Georgia
Facing the reality of an alcohol use disorder is overwhelming, but when you believe someone you love needs alcohol detox, Retreat of Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia can help you or your loved one. Explore the options of an evidence-based treatment plan for your loved one.
Contact us today to speak with our understanding intake staff and get answers immediately to your questions.