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Meth Detox Center in Georgia

Meth is a powerful drug that can negatively impact your health and overall quality of life. However, meth addiction is a treatable condition, and many have made a full recovery. Meth detox is the first step in recovery from meth addiction. 

During detox, you get the care and support you need to begin long-term recovery from addiction. Visit The Retreat of Atlanta today to get started.

What is Meth Addiction?

Meth addiction is a mental disorder where a person cannot stop using methamphetamine even when they experience negative consequences.

Methamphetamine—or “crystal meth” or simply “meth”—is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant drug. Like other stimulant drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamine, meth increases levels of dopamine in the brain. This produces feelings of alertness, euphoria, and, in some cases, a false sense of invulnerability. 

However, meth doesn’t metabolize as quickly as other stimulants. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a large percentage of meth “remains unchanged in the body.” This means that it stays in the brain longer—leading to “prolonged stimulant effects.”

Because of this, meth changes the way your brain functions. As a result, you become dependent on meth after you abuse the substance over time. In extreme cases, you’ll struggle to feel any pleasure at all when you aren’t on meth.

This is why you can easily become addicted—meth gives you an unnatural high that you can’t achieve without it. But, as you continue to use meth, you can’t function without it. Thus, even if meth use causes significant problems, you can’t stop using it without professional help.

woman with a meth addiction holds her head in her hands

Signs and Symptoms of Meth Addiction 

Meth addiction causes several behavioral, physical, and mental signs and symptoms.

The primary symptom of any drug addiction is compulsively using drugs despite the negative effects. However, signs of meth use can be different than others. These signs can vary based on how the person uses meth (injection, smoking, pills, or snorting) and how long they’ve been addicted.

The following are common signs and symptoms of meth addiction:

  • Insomnia and decreased need for sleep
  • Engaging in obsessive and repetitive behaviors
  • Cravings for meth consume nearly all your thoughts
  • Loss of interest in preferred activities
  • Poor hygiene and disheveled appearance
  • Tooth and gum damage
  • Scabs and sores
  • Significant weight loss
  • Isolating from friends and family
  • Mood swings and agitation
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Unable to stop meth use regardless of the problems it causes

Long-term meth use can cause significant health problems, like cardiovascular issues and tooth decay or loss. It can also cause severe mental health issues, including psychosis. Therefore, it is critical to get treatment for meth addiction beginning with a detox program.

Begin Your Treatment Today

Your journey to a healthier, more fulfilling life starts here. The Retreat of Atlanta’s caring professionals are committed to providing individualized treatment that respects your unique needs. Reach out now to secure your place in our supportive community and take the first step towards a brighter future.


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How Do I Know I Need Meth Detox?

You need meth detox if you want to succeed in your recovery from addiction.

If you’ve tried to quit meth without professional help in the past, you likely relapsed quickly. That is because of the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that occur when you stop using meth. Because your body and mind are now dependent on meth, you need time to adjust to no longer having it in your system.

Fortunately, withdrawal is only temporary. However, many people give in to strong cravings soon after they quit meth. Oftentimes, they underestimate how distressing withdrawal symptoms can be.

Meth withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of unease
  • Increased appetite
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Speaking or moving slowly
  • Lethargy
  • Mental fog
  • Fatigue
  • Intense cravings

Therefore, if you’ve had symptoms like the ones mentioned above when you stop using meth, our meth detox program will help you manage these symptoms. Once you get through the acute phase of withdrawal, your body and mind will readjust. Then, you can start the long-term process of addiction recovery.

peer support during meth detox in Georgia

What To Expect During Meth Detox Near Atlanta, Georgia?

At Retreat of Atlanta, you can expect high-quality care from compassionate addiction treatment professionals throughout meth detox.

We know that detoxing from meth isn’t easy. That’s why we provide medical and psychological support throughout your time with us. We’ll also help you create an individualized treatment plan that works for you and your unique needs.

We also have comfortable amenities in our home-like treatment setting. Everyone who comes to our meth detox in Atlanta is treated with the latest evidence-based treatments as well as trauma-informed care practices. In addition, our small staff-to-client ratio ensures that each of our clients gets the care and attention they need.

How Long Does Meth Detox Last?

Meth detox lasts about one to two weeks.

Depending on the severity of your addiction, you could be in detox for about two weeks. While withdrawal symptoms peak within about three to four days after you start detox, mild symptoms can linger for a few days afterward. Overall, the purpose of detox is to prepare you for long-term addiction treatment.

How is Meth Addiction Treated?

Meth addiction is treated by addressing the symptoms of addiction as well as the underlying causes of the addiction.

Therefore, you need behavioral health counseling and might benefit from psychiatric medications. After all, the effects of meth addiction can be devastating. Once you go through detox, you might be overwhelmed with emotions, like guilt, shame, or low self-esteem.

In addition, prolonged meth use can cause mental health disorders. Alternatively, many people abuse meth to cope with underlying mental health issues. So, to treat meth addiction, you need traditional mental health treatment like medications and psychotherapy.


Currently, the FDA does not have any medications approved specifically for methamphetamine addiction. Still, you might benefit from the following medications to ease withdrawal and mental health symptoms:

  • Antidepressants, like Trazedone, can help to treat the depressive symptoms that often accompany meth withdrawal.
  • Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, Ativan, or Klonopin, relieve anxiety and help you relax during detox.
  • Sleep aids, like Resotril and Doxylamine, can help you if you struggle to sleep while going through withdrawal.
  • Antipsychotics, such as Seroquel and Clozaril, can reduce symptoms of psychosis (paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions) which can occur from long-term meth use.


We also offer the following therapies during our meth detox program in Atlanta:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): During CBT, you learn to identify the negative thoughts and beliefs that lead to addictive behaviors. By challenging these thought patterns, you can change destructive behaviors.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): This type of therapy helps people with intense and challenging emotions. DBT helps clients with addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders.
  • Individual Therapy: Our therapists can help you navigate the mental and emotional health issues that accompany addiction. Individual therapy also helps with specific problems, like grief and loss, relationship issues, and improving self-esteem.
  • Group Therapy: You are not alone in your recovery from addiction. During group therapy, a licensed therapist facilitates helpful discussions among peers in recovery.
  • Family Counseling: While you are in the throes of addiction, your relationships with family members could be damaged. Family counseling helps you repair these relationships.

Start Meth Detox Today

Meth addiction can lead to devastating effects on your physical and mental well-being. In addition, you could face legal consequences related to meth use as well as strife within your relationships with loved ones. Meth detox is the first step that you need to avoid these consequences—and recover from addiction.

Contact The Retreat of Atlanta today to start our meth detox program in Atlanta, Georgia.

More On Meth Addiction

The Dangers of Meth Addiction

Meth addiction poses severe dangers to one’s health and overall well-being. These dangers extend beyond physical health effects. Thus, impacting mental and emotional health as well as social relationships. The journey to recovery, often starting with meth detox in Georgia, can be an uphill battle. But it’s a battle worth fighting.

Physical Health Effects of Meth Addiction

Meth addiction takes a hefty toll on the physical body. The short-term effects alone can be alarming. First, with noticeable signs such as decreased appetite, increased energy levels, and mood swings. However, it’s the long-term effects of meth addiction that can be truly devastating. Extended use of meth often leads to damage to the immune system, dental issues, violent behavior, and cardiovascular problems.

Even small amounts of meth can have a significant impact on the body. This makes early detection of meth addiction symptoms and immediate intervention vital. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step toward seeking help. And in many cases, it’s the first step toward a successful recovery.

Mental and Emotional Consequences of Meth Addiction

Meth addiction doesn’t just affect the body. It also has significant mental and emotional consequences. It’s often associated with a range of mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and psychosis. These co-occurring disorders make the journey to recovery more challenging. But it’s not impossible.

Furthermore, during meth withdrawal, individuals often experience severe depression and anxiety. These methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms can be overwhelming and, in some cases, may even lead to suicidal thoughts. This is why medically supervised detox and meth addiction treatment is so crucial.

Social and Relationship Impacts of Meth Addiction

Lastly, meth addiction has profound social and relationship impacts. Individuals suffering from addiction may isolate themselves from friends and family. Often, leading to strained relationships. Meth addiction can also result in criminal behavior, further alienating the individual from their social circles.

Recovering from meth addiction is not just about overcoming the physical addiction. It’s also about rebuilding these damaged relationships and reestablishing social connections. This is where comprehensive meth addiction treatment comes in. With the right support and guidance, recovery is not only possible, it’s within reach.

At the Retreat of Atlanta, we offer a range of treatment modalities, including medically supervised detox, individual treatment plans, family counseling, and support for co-occurring mental health disorders. We’re here to guide individuals through every step of their journey to recovery.

Can a Person Overdose on Methamphetamine?

Yes, a person can indeed overdose on methamphetamine. Overdosing is not only possible but unfortunately common due to the drug’s highly addictive nature. When someone uses too much meth, their body can’t handle the toxicity, leading to an overdose.

The signs can include chest pain, seizures, and in severe cases, stroke or heart attack. The risk of overdose is particularly high for those who’ve relapsed during recovery. As they might not realize that their tolerance has significantly decreased during their time in sobriety.

Meth addiction symptoms like these can be a clear sign that someone needs help. At the Retreat of Atlanta, we’re all about providing that help through our comprehensive meth addiction treatment plans. Our program includes everything to get started on the right path. From our medically supervised meth detox center in Georgia to post-detox aftercare planning.

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