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Cocaine Rehab in Atlanta

Cocaine addiction robs people of their ability to excel at work, and in school, and enjoy healthy relationships with others. It also keeps them from enjoying a future that includes reaching new goals. It also causes tremendous physical and mental health damage. 

Retreat of Atlanta created our Atlanta cocaine rehab to help people overcome the power this drug has over them. Our powerful detox program sets the stage for learning to conquer triggers to use cocaine and begin to put a person’s life back together. We also provide residential treatment that begins right after detox concludes. Both levels of care offer comprehensive care from skilled and dedicated addiction specialists.

We also provide prescription medications to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Retreat of Atlanta helps people leave cocaine addiction in the past and embrace a sober new life.  

What is Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine is a powerful drug that can cause a person to begin an addiction to it from the first time they use it. Cocaine is made from the leaves of the coca bush that come from South America. It comes in many forms, including ones you can snort, smoke, or inject.

Under the Controlled Substances Act, cocaine is classified as a Schedule II drug. This means it has a high potential for abuse. 

When someone uses cocaine, it triggers the release of a feel-good chemical called dopamine. A high is produced that is short-term and leads to the individual wanting more and more of it. Thus begins the cycle of doing coke repetitively in pursuit of always staying high. Once addiction sets in, the person will need to attend a quality Atlanta cocaine rehab.

Our Atlanta Cocaine Rehab Programs

When someone needs Atlanta cocaine rehab, they start by attending a cocaine detox program. This lasts about five to seven days and provides the all-important support necessary during the challenging first days of not using coke. During detox, medical support is provided to ensure the person’s safety. Medications can be supplied to help minimize medical withdrawal symptoms, as well as psychological ones like anxiety and depression.

Following detox, the person enrolls in a residential program. This immediate transition often takes place under the same roof, making it easy to continue the valued help begun during detox. The individual attends different types of therapy designed to help them understand the origin of their addiction and how to overcome it. Any necessary prescription medications can be continued to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms that still occur. 

Begin Your Treatment Today

Your journey to a healthier, more fulfilling life starts here. The Retreat of Atlanta’s caring professionals are committed to providing individualized treatment that respects your unique needs. Reach out now to secure your place in our supportive community and take the first step towards a brighter future.


Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

When someone has become lost in a cocaine addiction, they exhibit signs and symptoms. These include:

  • Craving cocaine usage several times a day 
  • Developing a tolerance and needing to increase the dosage taken
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug
  • Trying to quit using cocaine but not being able to do it
  • Staying awake for excessive amounts of time
  • Nervousness
  • Shakiness
  • Excessive energy
  • Moodiness
  • Paranoia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Dilated pupils
  • High blood pressure and heart rate
  • Doing poorly on the job or at school
  • Loved ones expressing fear and concern over the person’s cocaine usage

How Addictive Is Cocaine?

A reliance on cocaine can start from the very time a person uses it. A newcomer will feel intense feelings of pleasure and euphoria, vigorous energy, and often an increase in sex drive. All of these prove tempting to experience again. Tolerance to cocaine occurs quickly, causing a person to think they can control their usage without realizing when it spirals out of control.

Cocaine dealers often mix it with dangerous items like household cleaners. They also frequently add other types of drugs that are also addictive, which causes an increased chance of the person developing another substance use disorder. 

What To Expect At Our Atlanta Cocaine Rehab

At our Atlanta cocaine rehab, we recognize the needs of each client and work tirelessly to meet them. We recognize everyone is different, and we tailor each of their treatment plans to meet their unique needs. We help them set and meet treatment goals so they can leave our program with the ability to keep from relapsing. 

The types of therapy we offer at Retreat of Atlanta include:

We also provide access to prescription medications to help minimize withdrawal symptoms so that no one suffers needlessly.

How Long Does Cocaine Addiction Treatment Last?

The time a person spends at an Atlanta cocaine rehab varies. Influencing factors include the length and severity of their addiction and the progress they make during treatment. Most detox plans last five to seven days. Residential programs work best when the person attends them for 30 days or longer. 

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Cocaine Addiction Statistics

  • In 2023, about 5 million people aged 12 and older used cocaine in the previous year.
  • Young adults aged 18 to 25 had the highest percentage of cocaine usage, followed by adults aged 26 or older, then adolescents aged 12 to 17. These statistics all include both cocaine and crack cocaine.
  • In 2023, there were approximately 29,918 drug overdoses involving cocaine.

How To Find The Best Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center

You can start by asking your insurance company for referrals. You can also ask friends and family if they can recommend a helpful center for cocaine rehab. An internet search, especially localized to your area, will help you find high-quality treatment programs you can contact for more information.

How To Tell If Someone Is A Cocaine Addict

Check off the list of signs and symptoms featured in a previous section, and ask yourself if the person you know is addicted to cocaine. You may also find hidden paraphernalia and evidence of large amounts of money missing that was used to buy cocaine. 

Begin Treatment at an Atlanta Cocaine Rehab Today

Do you dream about a life without needing to abuse cocaine but don’t know how to take the first step? Retreat of Atlanta is the light at the end of the tunnel for those who need an effective and professional Atlanta cocaine rehab. Our licensed facility employs a staff of substance use disorder experts who offer compassionate and structured care to everyone we treat. The therapies we offer prove vital in helping people remove their need to use coke and replace it with healthy coping mechanisms.

Contact us now and see how easy it is to get answers to your questions. Let us help you become a whole new you and feel better physically and mentally.

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