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Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction, also called alcoholism or alcohol use disorder,  is the physical and mental dependence on alcohol. It is both a severe and chronic illness amongst millions of Americans from all stages of life. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, alcohol causes 13.5% of deaths in 20 to 39-year-olds. This chronic illness causes an intense urge to use alcohol even when the user realizes it is causing problems. Alcoholism may also pose a health risk due to withdrawal periods that are intense and life-threatening if not treated properly.

The good news is that alcohol addiction can be treated using various options such as detoxification, medication, and relapse prevention therapy. The Retreat of Atlanta’s physicians and nurses can cater to each individual’s personal needs through stabilization and regular individual therapy sessions. We offer detox from alcohol, opioids, prescription medication, or a combination of these substances. Additionally, our team is available around the clock to ensure our client’s well-being and comfort.

In this article, we take a look at the signs and symptoms of alcoholism and how people who suffer from alcohol addiction can achieve long-term sobriety at our rehabilitation clinics.

Alcohol Addiction Fact: You Are Not a Bad Person

How a person gets into this helpless and uncontrollable point in life no longer matters. What matters now is how they will free themselves from the grips of their addiction.

Alcohol abuse can affect a person’s ability to behave responsibly and appropriately due to its severe effect on mental ability when ingested in large amounts.

Because of this, people with alcohol disorders are sometimes seen as bad people who lack morals. However, this quite simply is not true, as many underlying conditions contribute to alcoholism.

The causes of alcoholism can be a combination of psychological, social, and even genetic conditions. Since these conditions are not the same in all people, medical specialists need to analyze each patient to treat the disease effectively.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is a global problem, and millions of people and families suffer from alcoholism every day.

Signs that a Person is Addicted to Alcohol

  • They prioritize alcohol over all other activities.
  • They have a continuous and urgent need to drink.
  • They use alcohol to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
  • They have an increased tolerance to alcohol.

Becoming addicted to alcohol is a gradual process caused by the overconsumption of alcohol regularly.

The time it takes to become addicted to alcohol varies from person to person, and those who are addicted will find it difficult to grasp or admit to their problem. Subsequently, in many cases, denial and an unwillingness to admit to the problem can cause irreversible damage if not dealt with in time.

Lifelong abstinence is the only way to make a complete recovery. Unfortunately, even a small return to alcohol can trigger a relapse, bringing back high-intensity alcohol cravings.

What is the First Step Toward Getting Treatment for Alcohol Addiction?

What is the first step toward getting treatment for alcohol addiction? The very first step is recognizing the problem and realizing the need for help. This initial step is a pivotal moment in the journey toward recovery. As it signifies a profound acknowledgment of the alcohol problem. 

However, despite the significance of this step, many individuals struggling with alcohol addiction often avoid seeking treatment for various reasons. Let’s explore some common reasons why people might hesitate or avoid getting the help they need.


Denial is a powerful defense mechanism that prevents individuals from recognizing the extent of their alcohol addiction. Therefore, they downplay the problem, rationalize their behavior, or convince themselves that they can quit on their own.


The stigma surrounding addiction and mental health issues can be a significant barrier to seeking treatment. Thus, some individuals fear judgment or discrimination from others, which deters them from reaching out for help.

Fear of Consequences

Often people struggling with alcohol addiction face various negative consequences. Including legal issues, damaged relationships, and health problems. However, they may fear the consequences of seeking treatment, such as potential legal ramifications or the impact on their jobs or reputations.

Lack of Awareness

Some individuals may not fully understand the nature of addiction or the available treatment options. Therefore, this lack of awareness can lead to a belief that treatment is unnecessary or ineffective.

Financial Concerns

The cost of addiction treatment can be a significant barrier for many individuals. They may worry about the affordability of rehab programs, therapy, and medications. Also, loss of income while seeking treatment.

Lack of Support

Some people feel isolated or unsupported in their journey to recovery. They believe that they have no one to turn to. Or that their loved ones won’t understand or help them.

Mistrust of Treatment

Past negative experiences with healthcare providers or treatment programs can lead to mistrust. Individuals may be hesitant to seek treatment due to previous disappointments.

Low Motivation

Addiction often diminishes an individual’s motivation and self-esteem. They may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of seeking treatment and believe they lack the strength to change.

Fear of Withdrawal

The physical and emotional symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be intimidating and challenging to endure. Thereby, this fear of withdrawal symptoms discourages individuals from seeking help.

Minimizing the Problem

Some individuals minimize the severity of their addiction. Thus, believing it’s not “bad enough” to warrant treatment. They may compare their situation to others who appear to have more significant problems.

Despite these common barriers, it’s important to emphasize that seeking treatment for alcohol addiction is a courageous and life-changing decision. Overcoming these obstacles often starts with that critical first step: recognizing the problem and realizing the need for help. With the right support, treatment options, and a willingness to start on the path to recovery, individuals can overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. Breaking free from alcohol addiction is possible. There are countless resources and professionals available to assist in this transformative journey.

How Is Alcohol Addiction Treated?

Treatment for alcohol addiction needs to be treated differently for every individual, as no two people are the same.

The following circumstances should be looked at before an individual treatment plan can be devised by a medical professional:

  • The patient’s history of alcohol abuse
  • Any medical and psychiatric conditions
  • The individual’s choice when it comes to treatment options
  • The severity of the patient’s dependency on alcohol
  • The patient’s physical and social circumstances

Alcohol addiction treatment consists of three stages:

  • Detoxification Stage
  • Medication Treatment Stage
  • Therapy and Behavioral Modification Stage


The detoxification program is the first step to help treat the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol. This program is primarily performed in an inpatient treatment center.

The physical effects of alcohol withdrawal can become life-threatening, and medications administered by healthcare professionals can prevent some of the following symptoms:

  • Shaking and Confusion
  • Profuse Sweating
  • Anger and Agitation
  • Irritability and Restlessness
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Hallucinations
  • Convulsions
  • Death


The importance of detox for alcohol withdrawal cannot be overstated. When someone with alcohol addiction decides to seek help, detoxification is often the first step in the recovery process. Alcohol withdrawal can be physically and emotionally challenging, with symptoms ranging from tremors and nausea to anxiety and hallucinations. A quality detox program provides a safe and comfortable environment where individuals undergo withdrawal with medical support and monitoring. 

This ensures that potentially severe withdrawal symptoms are managed effectively, reducing the risk of complications. A successful detox sets the stage for the rest of the addiction treatment process, enabling individuals to transition into therapy and rehabilitation with a clearer mind and a more stable physical condition. Ultimately, increasing their chances of achieving lasting sobriety.

The Retreat of Atlanta drug and alcohol detox facility offers alcohol addiction treatment for those individuals who struggle with alcohol abuse. While individuals stay at the Medical Detox offered at the Retreat of Atlanta, they will experience a serene and restful detox process under the care of our medical and nursing staff.

Additionally, we are staffed 24/7 by professionals trained and experienced in alcohol detox and addiction treatment. The care team at the inpatient drug and alcohol medical detox will lessen any discomfort individuals experience during the withdrawal process.

Benefits of  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In most cases, clients will be referred by their doctor to attend both one-on-one therapy as well as group therapy or counseling. Known as cognitive behavioral therapy, this type of talk therapy is a valuable step in recovery. Together, the therapist can help clients to talk about their feelings and behavior to try and get to the root cause of the addiction. Therapy can also assist those struggling to develop coping strategies, practice the art of self-awareness, and learn how to create healthier lifestyle changes to curb their dependency on alcohol.

Behavior Change

Patients who are dependent on alcohol need to learn certain coping mechanisms to help them avoid alcohol once they start to live their normal lives in society again. At Retreat of Atlanta, our Individual Therapy Program and the Group Therapy Program will teach alcohol-addicted individuals how to identify triggers, cope with cravings, develop a relapse prevention plan, and understand the underlying conditions behind their addiction to alcohol.

Support Groups

Support groups can be highly beneficial to those suffering from addiction. These support groups show patients that they are not alone and they can connect with other people who have had similar experiences and challenges. Once an individual can understand the contributing factors behind their alcohol abuse, they will be able to take steps to prevent relapse and maintain long-term sobriety. The alcohol detox offered at the Retreat of Atlanta gives individuals the resources needed to enable individuals to achieve a full recovery from alcohol abuse.

Medication Therapy

Physicians use several medications to treat alcohol addiction, ease withdrawal symptoms, and help patients to maintain long-term sobriety.


Naltrexone blocks the feel-good effect that alcohol has on the brain, making the person feel less inclined to drink. This drug is available in an oral or injection form.


This drug works by making a person feel sick when they drink alcohol. This is because, when combined with alcohol, it can cause nausea, vomiting, and headaches. Unfortunately, the side effects of this drug can be extremely dangerous, and it does not work to address the core issues of alcoholism.


This medication is used to curb alcohol cravings and restore the balance to certain chemicals in the brain.

How the Retreat of Atlanta Can Help

Once a person has developed a dependence on alcohol, willpower alone is unfortunately not enough to get them through. Help and guidance from professionals is the best way to combat their addiction and stay in the recovery phase.

The Retreat of Atlanta is a stand-alone medical detox and inpatient hospital. Our clients feel at ease in our addiction treatment center location because we are neither a hospital nor a “lock-up” facility. In both our peaceful atmosphere and our evidence-based substance abuse treatment program, we support healing, rehabilitation, and long-term recovery. Private quarters, fitness and leisure opportunities, delicious meals, and areas for clients to relax and interact with others are only a few of the amenities available at our facility.

Start Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

At the Retreat of Atlanta, we recognize that seeking treatment for alcohol addiction is challenging. Therefore, we have a compassionate and knowledgeable team that understands how addiction develops and how to help. If you or a loved one is battling an alcohol use disorder, there is hope.

Contact us today to start your recovery and break free of addiction.

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